Jewellery Theatre presents the ‘Flowers’ collection

April 2014

The philosophy of Jewellery Theatre is to employ the genius of brilliant designers with the craftsmanship of master jewellers.

Only a genuine artist is able to breathe life into his creation; only a genuine piece of art leaves no spectator untouched, arousing emotions and stirring the most diverse of feelings. Every piece of jewellery in the ‘Flowers’ collection is a miniature masterpiece. The work is so delicate and profound, that the flowers seem to come alive, full of warmth and freshness.

A unique shape of the thinnest gold petals, studded with precious stones, minute leaves, curved stems and the heart of each flower fascinating us with its enigmatic depth, entwined together into delicate rings, earrings and necklaces of an astounding beauty. To our amazement, large precious and coloured stones such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, tourmalines, emeralds and amethysts come to life and sparkle with a new and special light.