Ramon Barcelona presents Autumn Collection

September 2014

Ramon Barcelona, the international brand of fine jewelry, originally from Barcelona, presents its new Autumn collection inspired by the falling leaves of autumn. Inspired by delicate plant forms and textures, the Autumn collection consists of pieces of white gold and diamonds that evoke the lines of the leaves that fall off the trees, whilst we explore Barcelona in autumn.

Ramon Autumn Ring
Ramon Autumn Ring

Autumn in Barcelona

In this Autumn collection, the force of nature is perceived, the change of the life cycle with the cold arrival, the movement of leaves and branches when the wind blows, the exaltation of the colors before the sunsets and shining the golden light. The atmosphere of an inevitable change that accompanies new energies and a peaceful quietude that it is reflected in each of the designs.

Pieces whose strength resides in an intricate design, obtained from nature itself, sensual and powerful at the same time, providing a strong personality to those who wear them. Offering to admirers a serenity that is seen in the autumnal landscapes, revealing some of the feelings and memories that possess the memory of such magical season.

Ramon Autumn Pendant
Ramon Autumn Pendant

Gems and types of Cut / The Autumn materials

The core protagonists of this collection are white gold and diamonds, with red gold, along with black rhodium and black diamonds. White diamonds are color G quality VS.

Manufacturing Techniques

Each of the pieces in this collection are created by a symbiosis of quality craftsmanship and the most avant-garde production which gives the prestigious finish that is internationally recognized. A combination of laser cutting and casting, plus hours of traditional jewelry results in this unique jewelry production.

Ramon Autumn Bracelet
Ramon Autumn Bracelet

Pieces that contain the autumn essence

The Autumn collection consists of rings, pendants, earrings and two bracelets. Each of the pieces of the collection conveys the calm and serenity evoked by autumnal landscapes, allowing the wearer to preserve some of the feelings and memories that captures the essence of this magical season.
